How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac

The code on this page uses API functions to find the HWnd of a UserForm based on the class name of the UserForm and then reads and modifies the memory associated with the window. Pretty much anything you do with a window you do via the HWnd value. The discussion of HWnds and window classes and their associated memory will now become clear. I also have Excel programmers that program for the Mac, in Windows. Once you get used to the Mac interface and Excel specifically, the Mac is GREAT. It does not crash, there is less risk of virus attacks, and they start faster than my Dells. Plus, with Parallels they are two computers in one. I love Excel 2011 on the Mac. You should give it a try. I've tried dragging the corners and nothing happens. I've even tried to type in new dimensions in the properties window only to have a default number overwrite the one I've typed. Is anyone else having a problem getting a UserForm to resize on the Mac version of excel? When you add in the lag-on-window-resize, the Excel 2011 interface can feel slow at times. When put to a number-crunching test, however, Excel 2011 showed great results.

How do i resize a userform in excel 2011 for mac osHow Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac

StartUp Position UserForm

A UserForm object has a property named StartUpPosition. By default, this property is set to 1 (CenterOwner), which means that it should appear in the center of Excel's window. but if you use dual monitors this will not work correct in Excel for Windows and on a Mac also not if you use one screen.

How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac Shortcut

How do i resize a userform in excel 2011 for mac os

On a Mac we have another problem because setting StartUpPosition to 1 will not work like in Windows
because it will center on your Mac and not in center of the Excel window, and also you have the same problem as in win Excel if you have more screens attached to your Mac.

Excel 2016 and higher

The code below will open a userform named UserForm1 and will work in Win and Mac Excel. The code for Mac and Windows are not the same for setting the top position of the userform because of a bug in Application.Top in Mac Office.

Excel 2011

How Do I Resize A Userform In Excel 2011 For Mac Os

You can try the code below on a Mac in Excel 2011 to always open the userform in the center of your Excel window. Note: The code below will not work in 2016 and higher because the Macscript function is not working anymore in a lot of situations because of Apple Sandbox requirements.
The macro OpenUserform below will open a userform named 'UserForm1'
Note: The macro also use the function named GetExcelPositionAndSize, copy both the macro
and the function in a normal module of your workbook.